Gutter Cleaner


Developed by combining suction work trucks focused on improving efficiency for road gully sweeping, with the traditional “Mobile Vac,” it is now easier to operate and the mechanism has been simplified.



Model SM-07BV
Length (mm) 7,770
Width (mm) 2,450
Vehicle Weight (kg) 7,970
Gross Vehicle Weight (kg) 12,900
Drive (power source) T/M P.T.O.
Power requirement (kW(PS)) 50 (68)
Suction rate (m3/min) 35
Vacuum pressure (kPa (mmHg)) -93 (-700)
Tank capacity (m3) 5.0
Hose size (mm) φ100、φ125

*While in operation, hoisting equipment supports the suction hose, thereby lightening the burden imposed on workers.


Product Line Up
Mobile Vac
Stationary Suction
Powder Clean
Lift up Mobile
Gutter Cleaner
Mobile Jet
Operation Manual for
Sewer Cleaning
Other Machines
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